"Compassionate and Experienced Psychiatrists to help treat your Depression in the Fort Worth, TX area"
Some common symptoms of depression include:
feelings of emptiness or sadness,
inability to feel pleasure and happiness (even from activities that you once used to enjoy),
feeling guilty, worthless, or hopeless,
isolating self
physical ailments,
chronic fatigue,
lack of motivation,
difficulty concentrating,
changes in sleeping or eating habits,
and suicidal thoughts.
If you or your loved one has these types of symptoms, the best course of action is to seek help from a mental health professional for a diagnosis and possible treatment options.
There are several treatment practices available for depression. For most people dealing with depression, the most effective treatments are psychotherapy and medications. As far as medications are concerned, there is a range of antidepressants that a counselor or practitioner might prescribe. Finding the right medication for certain symptoms is likely a process of trial and error. With psychotherapy, opening up about the possible causes of depression and reframing unsettling feelings and negative thoughts becomes the main goal.
At Focusdfw with Dr. Kishore Sunkara, a psychiatrist for depression treatment, many of the faulty assumptions among depress people can get addressed as he prevents the individual from relapsing into a never-ending depressive state.