Wender Utah ADHD Rating Scale

"A scale used in the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder based on behavior and feelings experienced during childhood."

Wender Utah ADHD Rating Scale

Facilitates diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults based on childhood symptoms.

Complete Rating Scale Now

WURS explained:

This is a scale used in the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder based on behavior and feelings experienced during childhood.

The self-report questionnaire consists of 61-items, 25 of which are highly relevant items for ADHD (thus used in the scale for ADHD ) and can help link childhood symptoms with patterns of behavior in adulthood .

The scale is however limited by the capacity of the patient to recall memories from childhood.

Each of the questions in the retrospective scale has 4 answer choices, awarded points from 0 to 4:

■ Not at all or slightly (0 points);

■ Mildly (1 point);

■ Moderately (2 points);

■ Quite a bit (3 points);

■ Very much (4 points).


61-item Wender Utah Rating Scale

The WURS model is based on the DSM criteria of attention deficit diagnosis . These are seven classes (that are contained in the full 61-item version):

■ Attention difficulties;

■ Hyperactivity/restlessness;

■ Temper;

■ Affective liability;

■ Emotional over-reactivity;

■ Disorganization;

■ Impulsivity.

The administration of the scale can help clinicians understand the mechanisms of adult attention deficit with hyperactivity disorder. The scale has shown good psychometric properties in various populations and demographics.

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